Tuesday, June 30, 2015

2.63 (428) Thor vol 1 #351 ... Marvel ...

This issue is big on  the fight scenes and there are a lot of them. We see glimpses of the Avengers and the human armies out on the streets of New York fighting hordes of demonic creatures. And joined with them are Thor and the Warriors Three ...

Further afield in another geographic location we see Sif and Beta Ray Bill and other Asgardians facing another incursion of demons ...

And then a thought occurs on how to shut down the baddies at once because if the portals remain open, the replenishment is at a rate beyond the ability of our heroes to cope ...

But as per our previous review ... this is all but a distraction ... for the golden price is in Asgard and the last few to stand in the way of the price is Odin and Heimdall ... and o what an oaf Thor proves himself to be ... he may be strong, powerful, great fighter, big hearted but an oaf nonetheless when he finally realizes WTF is going on

Ratings: 8/10

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