Friday, June 5, 2015

2.38 (403) New Mutants vol 1 #32 to 34 ... Marvel ...

This issue introduces a new artist and since the success of Bill S, Marvel, I guess, decided to do another artist who doesn't follow the house style and ... for me, it doesn't work. It looks just way too amateurish and clutter making the reading experience less than pleasant. After the first issue, I almost dropped it but at that time, we have the completest mentality going around ... that and the fact that I am still a kid so ...

However, it was saved by the continuing storyline that sees the Mutants successfully tracking down Karma ... except that not only is Karma this huge bitch but her powers of mind-control seems to have grown exponentially as well allowing her to possess several persons at one time ... which initially was something the mutants didn't expect and thus fell hard for it ...

Until Magik (Illyana) came up with a plan of her own on how to save her teammates and defeat the evil witch ... which involves some deception on her part ... but since Illyana is supposedly a witch too ... nothing surprising there except for the hurt feelings of some of her more self-righteous teammates

At this juncture, we have to share that this series does crossover into the Summer event of X-Men/ Alpha Flight, New Mutants Special Edition and X-Men Annual before resuming back into 35. Therefore if you enjoyed the Bill S experience, we still encourage you to wade through these 3 issues as the storylines are indeed continuous


Ratings: 7/10

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