Thursday, June 11, 2015

2.44 (409) Deathstroke the Terminator #27 ... DC ...

A few issues down the line and we open up this review with yet another issue where we have jumped right into the middle of yet another story arc. That's the thing with completing your collections from the quarter bins, eh? But I enjoy it. Never know what you may find and this one? It's awesome!

If you actually read the last 2 reviews, you will know what I like about comics like this that is not about super heroes and this issue delivers in spades

We see a reunited Deathstroke and his buddy Green ... as they find that all their past ties have come full circle and now rush to aid one of those ties ... unfortunately for them, the baddie of this arc is still one step ahead and reaches the destination before them

So while Death and his mates came upon the scene in time, it wasn't that much in time for some of the supporting cast. Mayhem ensues without a doubt and the best parts is ... there is no lame ass grunts ... well the grunts or rather cannon fodder are lame but it is deliberate and part of the storyline as you will find out before the end of the issue ... so great thinking ahead Mr Wolfman!

Love the scenes of the men in green getting their just desserts from bad ass Slade!

Ratings: 8/10

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