Saturday, June 6, 2015

2.39 (404) Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #193 ... Marvel ...

It had to happen. I am sure you knew that, right, dear readers? After all those reviews on the junior team, we now move back to the main team that started it all - Uncanny X-Men ... volume 1 (hehehe) ... yup this is way before the relaunches but what the heck we labelled it so as to be clear

This is an awesome double-sized issue of the X-Men

Inspite of Claremont's ability to weave tons of subplot and with more dangling to come in the issues ahead, to celebrate the 100th issue of this, the new X-Men, Claremont decided to do a homage back to the character he created and killed Thunderbird. NO SPOILER ALERT

For those not in the know, Thunderbird is an American Indian mutant who joined the X-Men along with Storm, Nightcrawler etc and finally made the X-Men a top tier title. However, he bit the dust in his first outing and we are not surprised. All his abilities are matched and surpassed by Wolverine from speed to strength to fighting skills to savagery. So what's the point of keeping him here, eh?

Now in this issue, his younger brother has come of age and inherited all of his brother's powers and so he plots revenge. Do note that at this time, he is still a member of the Hellions, junior members of the Hellfire Club similar to the New Mutants

But he is smart enough and cunning enough to make life a living hell for the X-Men all by his lonesome self by sowing dissension and confusion and even spiriting away people like Wolverine and the location is a defence base for the Israeli Army and what-not

Not so much power and energy shooting spectacular but a tight and taut tale

Definitely worth a re-read or three ... and o yes, this is the same guy who has since grown to be Warpath in X-Force becoming a giant size super strong chap and then subsequently armed himself with those two dagger like blades that he carries around these days

Ratings: 8/10

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