Tuesday, December 2, 2014

218. X-Factor vol 1 #7 ... Marvel ...

For those who read the first arc, it ended on a high note with the team finally facing Apocalypse and battling it out. Imagine the original 5 versus Apo and giving the villain a good showing! I mean we are talking the Beast and Angel on the team yo! So kudos to the writer, eh?

Now how do you top it after such an issue?

Usually if this is X-Men, it's baseball or softball or a trip to the pub while if this is WCA, it's Hawkeye's BBQ ... and for X-Factor, we get to see their version of down-time where the team splits up and go about doing their official business i.e. that of hunting down mutants!!!

In this issue, we are introduced to two very sad and lonely mutants who are apparently dying of something or other. And they decided to end their lives in a meaningful way by attacking X-Factor who is under their guise as mutant hunters! Naturally as the cover indicates, the team split up into two with some of them being the X-terminators i.e. mutant terrorists

So all in all, for a quiet issue, there are new characters, there is a fight scene and we end on a weepy note. A good read for sure

Ratings: 6/10

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