Wednesday, December 17, 2014

233. Ultimate Spider-Man vol 1 #9 ... Marvel ... Bagley ...

Bagley does the covers and the interiors but the colouring technique is somehow different for the covers but both are no less delightful. In fact, I like his style of doing Spider where sometimes he actually looks like an under-nourished teen who has a sudden spurt of muscle growth ...

And this issue's white cover is awesome! Love it!

As for this issue, it continues right off the last ... where Peter finds out more about the Kingpin ... and this issue opens right into it with the Kingpin's new enforcers called ... the Enforcers. For those who knew of them from the original Spider series, well, they are not much changed. Still the same 3 clowns ... one guy is large and strong, another uses whips and another guns ... and that's pretty much it

Naturally Peter has no trouble fighting them ... if he had been more focused and with more experienced he could probably finish them off within a page ... two pages at the most

But as this is a book that is equal parts Peter and equal parts Spider, we have a segment where Peter has a tough time in school yet ... is shown growing there with potential backbench supporter Kong (new character in Ultimate) ... while getting cozy with Mary Jane

And finally he took the trouble to learn more about the Kingpin ... so that he could invade the Pin in his own lair! And that last page? Wow!

Ratings: 6/10

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