Thursday, December 4, 2014

220. X-Man vol 1 #5 ... Marvel ...

In the world of mini-series, the one resounding promise they all scream at us is that this series will have lasting changes upon the actual comics universe that they exist within. And once in a while, it actually does come through. During the 1990s, the Age of Apocalypse had 2 things going for it aside from terrific storyline

The first is when all mutant titles are stopped and replaced with alternate versions of those titles with new art teams and storylines for several months and the next is that at the end of the miniseries, we have this: a character from that universe surviving into ours

X-Man is Nate Summers ... child of "one mutant" couple ... obviously which one we all know ... but is he test tube baby or real? And his equivalent is Cable in the Marvel 616 universe

So why do we start the review with 5?

Because the first 4 issues is when the Age of Apo is going on and like all other titles, after 4 months, month 5 shows all characters returning to the normal Marvel U and with it comes Nate as well as a few villains like Dark Beast, Sugarman and Holocaust

Nate is basically Cable without the techno organic virus. The only problem is he grew up in a slave pen where everyone is potentially an enemy so when he comes to our Marvel U, he has huge trust issues and is confused by what is going on. Unfortunately he doesn't appear to be friendless for long. Why Unfortunately? Because those zeroing in on him has ulterior motives

And one more thing - this version of Cable is so powerful that his own power is burning him dry!

Ratings: 7/10

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