Friday, December 26, 2014

242. The Mighty Thor vol 1 #432 ... Marvel ...

You know the 2 Thor movies (as at the time of doing this review there are officially 2 movies but who knows what the future may bring, eh?) ... well, honestly, Thor has had his ups and downs comic wise and for me ... while Ron Frenz the artist does a very powerful Thor and the stories are interesting if convoluted ... somehow, I sort of left this series around the end of Walt Simonson's run and never collected regularly until vol 2 ... so this issue was purchased from Mile High Comics bargains ... before those 2 movies make the prices of back issues soar!

So how was it? Well one of the reasons I bought this is because even though it is 432 but it is highlighted as the 350th issue of Thor because earlier on this book (for those who want to know but do not know yet) is Journey Into Mystery

So we have double sized issue but at regular price because of the back issue systems. Hehehe!

Anyway with regards to convoluted, well, if you were to find a bio somewhere online and read on Thor, you will definitely agree that there was way too much attempt to twist and turn the storylines ... perhaps this is good if someone were to follow this as it came out or you bought a batch of the comics ... otherwise if you were to sample one issue here and there ... I am not sure if you want to come back for more ...

Here we see a Loki who has defeated the Wrecker (a man with Asgardian powers) and absorbed his brutish strength. So throughout this issue, we see a titanic fight between Thor and Loki with the finality a bit of a shock ... not because of what happens but rather because it is what happens in a Thor Marvel comicbook! If this is Image, heck, no biggie! If this is Ultimate Universe, no biggie but because this is still the early 90s in a mainstream book ... it was a shock! I will not spoil it for you

Suffice to say, aside from the above, there are sideplots galore ... there is Mephisto planning to capture the spirit or soul of Thor ... there is Thor's human alter ego, Eric the architect (no longer the Dr) and his family drama ... and (for me) the most over-rated and useless development, Code Blue a task force of special police team who is supposed to come and handle all these super human stuff ... except they seemed to delight in talking tough and not really doing much ... hahaha!

Oh yes, the end has a special few pages from the first appearance of Thor ... a reprint!

Ratings: 6/10

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