Tuesday, December 9, 2014

225. West Coast Avengers vol 1 #6 ... Marvel ...

3 for 3 ... and in this issue, once more, the writer decided to take a leap into the mystical world ... what's with the writer eh? But hey honestly I enjoyed this when it was coming out regularly and when I went back to the old collection box ... it was still a good read ... plus if you go back and see each cover has a different colour scheme, action, character focus going on ...

As the cover clearly indicates, for this issue, the spotlight is once more on Tigra ... and we are not surprised ... aside from the fact that she is one hot babe what with the fur and bikini costume going on ... and supposedly super strong/ fast/ feral ... all she has done since she rejoined is where she left off years ago ... being scared of everything and everyone ... and always getting beaten, we kid you not

In fact, if you read her own so-called series in one of the Marvel "something or other (Chillers?)", you will find she could actually function as a hero ... but the moment she is with the Avengers, she panicked and left the first time around ... well this time it looks like not much has changed ...

So aside from hitting on the men of the team ... the first few fights was a complete loss ... she lost against the Man Ape and she got knocked by Kraven in issue 3 ... and now we are at 6 ...

Rather than do the obvious, we are given a glimpse and a trail to follow into the world of the Cat People ... supposedly the people who gave Tigra the amulet that allowed her to transform into the Cat Person's ultimate embodiment of a warrior or some such nonsense

And what's this mystical element?

Well, while not so much in this very issue ... but we are led to know that the Cat People may not just be an offshoot of evolution or some such ... but that perhaps they are actually from another dimension ... a "get this" demonic dimension? Hmm ...

Still it makes interesting reading and that's what counts

Ratings: 7/10

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