Friday, December 19, 2014

235. Ultimate Spider-Man vol 1 #11 ... Marvel ... Bendis, Bagley ...

So after that awesome last issue, it leaves us wanting more, right? Well, good and bad. The good is that this issue indeed continues once more right where the last issue ended. The bad is that unfortunately this issue while entertaining feels padded i.e. stretching the character development parts longer until it reaches issue 12, the one-year anniversary issue coming up next. Sigh!

I mean, the opening chapter of this book tries to give us some tension and create some new characters and suspicions but somehow ... it feels quite forced upon ... I mean we have several page of Peter and a new councillor ... then there is Peter and Liz ... and then we see so many pages of flashbacks ... I mean the series is not even a year-old why the need for so much flashbacks?

Finally there is the idle chatter of the bad guys ... great if these are key characters or fan faves ... but again this series is only on issue 11 ... who cares? Who cares about the kingpin's non powered cronies? Who cares about the kingpin's loser thugs like Ox/ Montana/ Dan?

The pace picks up towards the final pages with Spidey finally taking action ... kicking ass and ending with him confronting the baddies ... see? Decompressed story telling ... sigh ...

Ratings: 5/10

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