Monday, December 8, 2014

224. West Coast Avengers vol 1 #5 ... Marvel ...

[O yes someone wrote and asked if this is vol 1 or 2 ... well, officially this is vol 1 of the ongoing series but ... if you count the 4-issue limited series before, then this can also be vol 2 ... but again, if you are reading comics in the 21st century, does this matter? What with all the relaunches going on every single year?]


If you thought the last issue with mystics is not enough, here we go again as the writer takes us on yet another potentially mystical villain ... although technically the Werewolf is a hero in the Marvel U. Jack Russell at one time even had his own ongoing series that lasted for something like 3 years and subsequently has been popping up here and there and occassionally belonging to a group of "villains"

In here, well, come on ... he is a Wolf and no matter how strong he is or fast or how sharp his claws ... if he were to go up against Iron Man or Wonder Man what can he really do, right? So in that sense, you know that this story regardless of the great ideas on the cover can never allow the Wolf to pose that big a threat unless ... it is the prelude to something else ... hehehe ... so is it?

Well read this to find out

Ratings: 6/10 (an extra 1 point for that cover)

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