Tuesday, December 30, 2014

246. Daredevil vol 1 #250 n 251 ... Marvel ...

In an age of double sized issues, this came as a shocker. I bought this from Mile High Comics back issue bins years after it came out and I was expecting something special since it is DD's 250 but ... it read like any other normal issue of DD ... with new villain coming out from the subplots and finally coming to an encounter with DD ... and of course the full fight is next issue but as the guy is just a big sized guy who is almost but not quite superhuman strong or with great fighting skills ... it felt kind of ... m'eh if you know what I mean

Artwork ... it's fine ... it carries the story well ... when there was a need to be quiet, dark n moody, it was ... when it opens up to something emotional, the lines convey the emotions well ... about the only disappointment is the thin paper quality ... not thick like the 70s or later 90s ... so it makes the colouring n inking looks too ... murky?

What's more interesting like most DD stories is actually the human element as we see Matt's life spiralling downhill and out of control ... and we get a snapshot of family life for his forthcoming villain too

Hmm ... that's about all I can share ... without telling exactly what's going on

Ratings: 5/10

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