Sunday, December 7, 2014

223. WCA vol 1 #4 ... Marvel ...

In every good comic book series, usually there will be some new villains that have staying power. This can be in the form of a recurring nemesis for that series or someone so big that it goes beyond that of the series itself. And when it is a team book like this, the West Coast Avengers, the change in roster is always something to look out for. So in the 4th issue of the regular ongoing series, we have both of these critical points happening and both are clearly reflected on the cover. So no SPOILER alerts here

First up is Master Pandemonium. While the tale is generally told in 1 issue, it doesn't wrap up well with the villain truly defeated. So it means more of the Panda-man is coming. As the cover shows, the Avengers have a new villain who is more magical based than scientific based which is never a good thing for them especially since they have no go-to guy for magics in this issue

And as the cover shows, this chap can rip a hole in his torso as a gateway for demonic like beings to come flooding out and attacking and destroying anything and everyone

So what's his motive and why is he here? Not everything is disclosed here and more will come in the years ahead (that's the beauty of these dated reviews eh?)

Finally we reach the second point. By this time, the regular Avengers team book is renown for guest stars and even new members on short stay. Well through the first mini series and until this issue, the WCA has been stable with Wonder Man, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Mockingbird and Tigra - generally low on the power scale of the other team of A

So when we see the Thing on the cover, it made all the fans wonder if after his sojourn in outer space, Ben is finally back on Earth but deciding to go with the Avengers instead of his regular FF mates. If so, no surprises there as well because he has a solo book at that time where this tale is told of his disinterest or unhappiness with the FF. This is so that his regular solo book has some legs and joining the WCA? Promises to be a lot of fun even though his ability is merely strength something that Wondie and IM already have

So does he join the team in the end?

Well, Hawkeye does try hard to persuade him!

Ratings: 7/10

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