Thursday, December 11, 2014

227. WildCATS vol 1 #6 & 7 ... Image ... Jim Lee

After the first few issues were launched, as it was a huge success (as if there were any doubts, right?), Lee decided to continue his CATS as a regular ongoing and to buck the trend at that time, he decided to continue with issue 5 onwards rather than renumber like most of his mates. On top of that, except for the foil on 2, there are no other enhanced covers ... now don't get me wrong ... many people bitched about those enhancements ... me? I thought they were wonderful. After all, novels have them so why not comics when comics is even more of a visual medium, right?

So why issues 6 and 7 for this review then?

Because this is the official cross-over between Marc Silvestri's Cyberforce and Jim Lee's WildCATS ... and what a crossover it is ... with both artists going all out to impress the other chap's fans ... and colourists literally going overboard with strong bright colours and awesome contrasts ...

In fact, if you were to read this, you might say that it is overboard with the details ... just check out the covers and see how much tiny details are there ... and when you read it, it seems like even the writers are going overboard with each panel jam pack with word balloons and thought boxes etc etc

What's the story about?

Well once upon a time, some of the characters in both teams have a similar/ linked background i.e. Reno/ Warblade from the CATS and Ripclaw from Cyberforce. And both of them remembered a lady named Misery who is still with the SHOCS (bad guys) ... although each of their memories may not be the same any more thanks to the usual tinkering about ...

Unfortunately Misery is back ... and she is using her powers to manipulate both teams against each other ... because there is something she and her employers want ... that's it. More or less. The fun is seeing them tear into each other over 4 issues or so ...


Ratings: 8/10

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