Thursday, December 11, 2014

226. WildCATS vol 1 #0 ... Image ... Jim Lee ...

If you are not a fan of Jim Lee or were there collecting comics in the 90s, chances are you may have passed on this title, right? And so is this issue. Because issue 0 of the Cats at that time only came out as a freebie together with the TPB ... I am not sure if they subsequently released it as singles or not ...

But it is good

The artist for this is Brett Booth ... and this is before Booth became too stylized with his people all having about the same features ... and all too tall and too thin ...

Anyway, here we get a glimpsed of all the CATS just before they became a team and how they became a team ... example we get to see Emp and how he ended up as a bump on the streets prior to walking back into the tower of Halo Corp ... we also see glimpses of other comics in the Image universe like SHOC troops and what-not

But the most important or the most spectacular?

Void ... that scene of the mountains and what not ... wow! Amazing artwork and spectacular colouring

So if you don't have this but have read #1 to 4 ... this is worth your time to track it down if only to fill in some early gaps ... but if you don't have #1 to 4 ... I suggest you buy the entire TPB

Ratings: 8/10

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