Saturday, December 13, 2014

229. Warlock & The Infinity Watch vol 1 #1 ... Marvel ...

At the end of the Infinity Gauntlet series, we see Warlock having control of the Gem Stones and the Gauntlet. So naturally all of the Universe's powers are concerned about what Warlock would do with it and whether he will turn out to be a worse tyrant than Thanos

That's what this first issue is all about actually ... so if you read the limited series and enjoyed it, then this is a must-buy! Because this is the real epilogue and ending to that series

We see Warlock ... now appearing before an informal/ formal council of the powers that be within the Marvel 616 Universe ... where each of them debate and fight over the topic of whether there should be a permit given to Warlock to hold such power and then there is Warlock, now more or less supreme wondering if he didn't agree with them, is there anything they can do against him?

Lots of posturing, lots of talking heads (and some quite literally just a head without body) ...

And the ending is truly inspired! What a turnabout and the choices made is dead brilliant ... and that ties in nicely to issue 2 and the reason for the title i.e. Infinity Watch and not just Warlock!

Basically Warlock decided to split the gems and give each to a guardian with one final gem unaccounted for ... and those he gave, joined him to form a super-powerful group

Ratings: 7/10

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